Today many people are turning to alternative healing methods. While traditional medicine has helped heal countless people and treat many conditions, it is falling short of offering the whole-body approach. People now want Doctors to focus on pinpointing and treating the cause of chronic illness rather than simply treating the symptoms.

Holistic practitioners believe that healing should take place “physically, nutritionally, mentally, emotionally, environmentally, and spiritually,” When helping clients with chronic health conditions such as asthma, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches or anything chronic, the healing options should include diet management, supplements, detoxification, lifestyle-mental health-spiritual counseling, moderate exercise and nutritional testing.

Holistic natural medicine has been practiced since Biblical times plus Chinese and Ayurveda (Indian) natural medicine has been used for over 5,000 years. Everything from the common cold to life-threatening conditions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease has been reported to be successfully treated with herbs without any side effects rather than use of pharmaceutical drugs with major side effects.

The current healthcare system is structured in such a way that natural remedies are now widely perceived as inferior. However due to the many positive clinical studies on natural remedies that perception is simply not true.

Five reasons to consider Holistic Medicine: 1. No harmful side effects. Pharmaceutical drugs often have major side effects. 2. Holistic medicine utilizes the body’s natural healing process for treating conditions. The ingredients used are those which are regularly produced in the body. 3. It is cost-effective. Holistic Practitioners and herbs are far less expensive than traditional Doctors and prescription drugs. You can also buy herbs over the counter, which means you don’t need a prescription. 4. Holistic medicine increases the body’s immune system which has the ability to ward off future chronic or deadly diseases. And 5. Holistic Doctors spend more time (usually 60-90 minutes on the initial visit) with their clients as opposed to 5-10 minutes with a traditional Doctor.

Are you ready to start your healing journey?

Dr. Kevin Kilday, PhD, D.PSc., Director of Holistic Health Center, Health Consulting, Supplements, Testing, Specialties: Cancer, Addictions, Pain Mgmt. 321-549-0711