Spotlight Dec 2018 Unresolved Resentments



Depression, anger, anxiety, stress and alcohol/drug use, all escalate during the Holidays but what about unresolved resentments and its health hazards. The word resentment from the Latin root means to feel anger over and over again.

The Holiday season can be very toxic and now studies are showing that unresolved resentments (anger) can be the cause of disease or prolong a chronic or life threatening disease. Following are a list of physical ailments that tend to be found in people who have unresolved resentments. Inflammation, joint pain, digestive difficulties, nervousness, fatigue or exhaustion, depression, allergies, dizziness, mood swings, mind racing, brain fog, dry mouth, anorexia, confusion, low self-esteem, headaches, high blood pressure, and now it is linked to cancer especially people recovering from cancer.

Getting together with family for the holidays can be very stressful. Negative feelings from unresolved resentments put a strain not only on the affected individual members but on the whole family. Only the affected individuals (do not involve other members) need to try and resolve things before the family gatherings.

Steps for resentment healing.
1. Ask to meet to discuss the problems and find resolutions.
2. Go to the meeting with patience and an open mind.
3. Listen attentively (do not interrupt).
4. Accepting an apology or apologizing is all it takes to begin to help heal old wounds and start afresh.
5. Ask for forgiveness from one another then BOTH PRAY TOGETHER or say “I LOVE YOU” TO EACH OTHER.

The Bible says: “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:31,32).

When other family members (especially the children) see that healing has taken place then hopefully all will believe that all things are possible with God.

Bless you all during this Holiday Season.

Dr. Kevin Kilday, PhD, D.PSc, Director of Holistic Health Center, Consultations, Alternative Cancer Solutions, Supplements, Tests, Chronic Health Conditions, Call 321-549-0711 for appointments